Meet the Team: Content Team

Mansi Dhokia
Content Manager
Mansi is currently studying for her undergraduate degree in Classics at UCL. Her main focus is language (both Latin and Ancient Greek) and literature – she is especially interested in Augustan era poetry and Greek drama. She has been studying Latin for eight years and Ancient Greek for five years, and she enjoys the wide scope that studying classics at university has given her, as she has been able to study topics that she never knew she was interested in, such as historical linguistics. Mansi is hugely passionate about diversifying classics and giving more students the opportunity to fall in love with this subject the way she did and as a result, she is very excited to get work with Academus. She worked as a tutor in the Academus summer school and loved seeing the engagement we got with students and is very excited to work more on the content side of the organisation.
At university, Mansi has worked as a Transition Mentor, which involved helping new students in the classics department settle into university life in a pastoral capacity. She has also been an active member of UCL Classics Society for the past two years and has been appointed as Committee Secretary for the upcoming academic year. At school, she was heavily involved in Model United Nations and was the Deputy Secretary-General for her school’s MUN conference, which involved organised a large event, managing the core committee as a team and producing content for the website and for use at the conference. She was also an editor for her school’s magazine.
Outside of academics, Mansi enjoys reading, sampling different coffee shops and going to the theatre.