Academus is excited to announce its very first line of merchandise! Inspired by red and black-figure pottery from Ancient Greece, all of our merch is a colourful and modern take on something truly Classical. Which we think is a perfect representation of what we are trying to achieve at Academus.
At the moment we have a number of designs available on our Redbubble store. You can purchase the designs for clothing, stationery and other miscellaneous items and all of the profits will be going towards supporting our future operations and initiatives.
Many of the designs will be used in our coming rebrand, so keep watching our website as new designs will be popping up!
We will also be doing an article focussing on the meaning and significance of each of the vases next week as an introduction to Greek Art.
Below we have some of the designs to sample however you can find the full collection on our Redbubble page.
Left: Achilles and Penthesilea Bottle
Right: Kylix Cushion
Centre: Medea T-Shirts

All the designs can be seen in the image below
