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Academus Education
Jun 9, 20225 min read
The Greek Island as a place of allure: Cyprus, Naxos, and Love Island - by Morg Daniels
Greek islands have long been associated with allure, from the birth of Aphrodite on Cyprus to the modern appropriation on Love Island.
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Academus Education
Mar 21, 20223 min read
Aphrodite's Nudity: Empowering or Humiliating? - by Jess Huang
Statues and images of the goddess Aphrodite commonly depict her as nude, but is this an empowering way of portraying the goddess of beauty?
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Academus Education
Dec 29, 20214 min read
How Saturnalia became Christmas: The transition from ancient to present and pagan to Christian
Saturnalia might sound a world away from its successor Christmas but in this article we explore the evolution the two winter festivals
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Academus Education
Sep 10, 20214 min read
The Pergamon Altar - by Jess Huang
The Pergamon Altar is a symbol of the reign of the Attalids in Asia Minor, and a great example of how ancient art is multifaceted.
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Academus Education
Aug 25, 20217 min read
The Nine Cities of Troy - by Aumia Haq
Troy was the site of the mythological Trojan War, but the real archaeological site shows the complex history of the city through time.
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Academus Education
Aug 4, 20213 min read
The Ancient Olympics - by Peter Xiao
The Olympic Games have been a symbol of unity since ancient Greece, and were held every four years in honour of the gods.
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Academus Education
Jun 30, 20216 min read
Ancient Mesopotamian Transgender and Non-Binary Identities - by Morg Daniels
There is evidence of complex gender identities in Ancient Mesopotamia, particularly in the cult of the goddess Inanna and her priests.
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Academus Education
Jun 16, 20216 min read
The Rites and Festival of the Eleusinian Mysteries - by Taylor Mitchell
The festival of the Eleusinian Mystery cult for Demeter was elusive, but we can reconstruct some of the intriguing rites of this festival.
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Academus Education
Oct 26, 20207 min read
The So-Called 'Alexander' Sarcophagus: A Confluence of Cultures
The so-called 'Alexander' Sarcophagus reveals to us how the different cultures of Greece, Macedon and Persia may have interacted.
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Academus Education
Sep 30, 20201 min read
The Tyche of Antioch by Sophie Park
Lady of Fortune, Mystery and Propaganda
In the ancient world, Tyche (Gk. τύχη; Lat. Fortuna) was the goddess of fortune
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