Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any unmentioned costs?
No, Academus and all the services we offer are entirely free. However, we are a non-profit which means we award our services to students on needs-most criteria and if you have a strong background in Classics we may not be able to offer you a place.
How will lessons be taught?
Our service is online, and so, all our lessons will be taught via video conference.
During the Summer School, classes will vary in size depending on the module. Language classes are capped at eight people to ensure all students have a full understanding of what they are being taught.
For the Easter Crash Course, all classes will be taught in large lecture-style formats to allow as many students as possible to attend.
Am I eligible to apply for the 2021 Summer School?
When we consider applications for our Summer Schools we do so on a needs most basis, prioritising those students who have not formally studied Classics before as part of their studies or have been limited in another way i.e. only having the opportunity to study Ancient History at GCSE or only being offered Classics as an after school club.
We also prioritise those candidates with financial need for our services. We recognise that summer schools and extra tuition can be expensive and costly and we at Academus do not believe any student should be disadvantaged because they cannot afford educational services. Whilst we do not formally means test we will prioritise applications from students coming from non-selective state schools.
Can I pay for a place if I do not match the criteria?
No, you cannot pay to study with us. If you are looking for another summer course the Classical Association advertise a number of different fee-paying courses.
Do I get anything to prove I went on the course?
At the end of the programme, each student will be awarded a certificate of participation and we can send a progress report to your school teachers or parents.
Can I only enrol for one module?
You cannot enrol with us for one module, every student must participate in the full course schedule unless there are extenuating circumstances that have been formally discussed with the Admissions Team.
Similarly, with our crash course, we ask that you attend all parts of of the course unless you submit an independent application to our Admissions Officer.
Can I do this course if I am over the age stated?
Our course targets school students, if you have been enrolled in full-time school education in the past 12 months we will consider your application.
When is the next Crash Course?
The course will be taking place across on the 29th May 2021. For more information about the Crash Course click here.
​ How is the Crash Course different to the Summer School?
The Crash Course is designed to be an intensive look at one particular area of Classics. The main difference is that there will be no language component to the Crash Course.
The course will also be taught in a slightly different way as the classes will function more like online lectures than small seminar groups.
Some of the teaching content we use will be the same as the Senior Summer School, however, there will also be large chunks of new material.
I have not studied Classics before will I be able to follow what's going on?
If you have not studied Classics before, do not worry! You will still be more than welcome in our classes and they are designed so that you should still be able to understand. Whilst they may be fast-paced at times, the aim is that they are accessible to everyone regardless of their background in Classics.
If you have any particular questions about the level of difficulty or understanding please contact our Outreach Officer.
Are all of your courses and lessons safe?
We at Academus have a commitment to care and we are constantly reviewing, updating and upgrading out safety protocols. You can find more information about our safeguarding procedures here.
If I have already studied with Academus am I eligible to apply again?
You are more than welcome to apply to study with us again! Some of the content you study may be very similar or the same in parts, but we are always developing new lessons and modules so there will be a lot of diversity.
Who will be teaching your lessons?
Our staff are all well-trained Classics tutors who have been specially chosen for their particular modules. Our tutors have all studied or are studying at top UK institutions in Classical fields. For more information on particular tutors check out our "Who we are" page.
Will you be offering any Intermediate modules for returning students in 2021?
Yes, we are intending to provide some intermediate courses this year for students with more exposure and experience to Classics. These modules will target languages in particular.
What are the 1-1s and how do I know if I am entitled to them?
The 1-1s are designed for students who will be making their application to University in the coming months. They are targeted at students who are considering studying Classics. They are sessions where a specialist tutor will be talking them through their personal statement, university and course selections and help to prepare them for any exams or interviews they may have.
Do you accept International Applicants?
We do accept applications from overseas students, our only condition is that you must be able to work on British Summer Time which is the time zone of our school.